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Covid 19


COVID Vaccine

Individuals ages 5+ are encouraged to register now to receive your COVID-19 vaccine booking notifications.

Starting September 13th, you will need proof of vaccination to access certain businesses and services.

If your vaccine record is incorrect or if you received your vaccine out of BC and would like to submit your record, you can have it updated.

The vaccines are not administered at our clinic. Please refer to the vaccine information page, linked below, to learn more about the vaccine and to determine when and where you can get vaccinated.


Thank you for your patience. Please continue to do all you can to prevent spread of the virus, and to keep you and your loved ones safe. This means wearing a mask when you’re out, limiting your contacts to those living in your household and washing your hands frequently.

Covid-19 Vaccination

What is COVID?

The coronavirus was first identified in December 2019 and declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020.


COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, can be spread through coughing or sneezing, close personal contact, and touching contaminated surfaces.


Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear after exposure. Infected individuals can exhibit mild to severe symptoms.

Self-assessment Tool

The Ministry of Health has developed an online self-assessment tool to provide the latest guidance for COVID-19 testing in accordance with BC CDC guidance.


Please note, this tool DOES NOT diagnose COVID-19 but is intended to help you determine if testing or follow-up is recommended. If you feel unwell, please seek medical attention by contacting your family doctor.


Washing Hands

Wash hands regularly with warm soapy water for 20 seconds

Young Woman with Mask

Wear a face mask to help protect those around you


Stay 2 meters away from others when away from home

Holding Thermometer

Stay at home for 14 days if you may have been exposed to the virus

Additional Resources

Visit BC Centre for Disease Control for the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in BC.


For non-medical related inquiries, please call BC's COVID-19 information hotline at 1-888-COVID-19.

Service is available 7 days a week from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm PST.


For additional information on COVID-19, such as reopening guidelines, travel restrictions, and government support programs, please visit:

Government of BC

Government of Canada


Suite 105 - 5512 E. Hastings Street

Burnaby, BC  V5B 1R3

Tel: 604.291.1208


Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tel Hours: 9:00 - 11:30am, 1:30 - 4:30pm

Fridays, Weekends, Holidays: CLOSED

The information on this website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Resources provided are intended for persons residing in Canada. If you have or suspect you are experiencing a medical emergency, DIAL 911 or visit a hospital Emergency Department in your area. Reliance on any information provided by Dr. Gregory J. McAnulty Inc. appearing on or provided in relation to this website is solely at your own risk. Dr. Gregory J. McAnulty Inc. disclaims any warranty or liability arising from or in connection with the use of this website or any other website to which this site is linked. Your use of third-party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such sites. The information is supplied "as is", "as available" and may contain errors. Health-related information changes frequently and therefore information contained on this website may be outdated, incomplete or incorrect. 

© Dr. Gregory J. McAnulty Inc. - All rights reserved.

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